I have had a toothache for the last day and 1/2.
I have a been a hot miserable mess.
The pain is excruciating.
I've tried everything from Tylenol to Vicodin & I've gone through two tubes of max. strength Orajel, and NADA, NOTHING.
Went to a dentist this morning. He will remain nameless. After all, the intent of this post is not to trash talk anyone, just to vent.
So anyway, long story short, tells me tooth is good just need a root canal. OK fair nuff.
*Enter financial girl* "Good news your dental ins is covering half but you will owe us $$$$$$."
Nursy say whaaa??? I owe whaaaa??? *Pause for bad language*
**Enter dentist guy** "Well for those who want to save money, we can just pull the whole tooth out"
Me: "UHM, Peace OUT dental exterminator dude"
So in about 30 mins I'll be visiting yet another dentist. One whose office assistant has assured me should not be a horrific experience as I previously had and will take "good care of me".
Hmmmm, we shall see about that.
Today I'm going to take a brief break from being christiany and nice.
The toothache has provoked me to be mean, attitudy, and just plain pooey.
It's not really me though. It's the tooth. It's the PAIN.
I'm really truly a good person.
Just not today.
Is this right? Prolly not.
Do I care?? Not at the moment.
Current pain level: 15+ and then some
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