So it's Wednesday already!
This week has gone by so incredibly fast for me!
I know I was going to start my "New Things" post, but I haven't slowed down enough to even try old things.
After this week things should, I hope and cross my fingers, slow down a bit more so that I can actually begin to not only begin to try my "New Things" but actually enjoy doing it!!
Soooo with that said, I'm open to any suggestions or ideas on what new, incredible, & perhaps tasty, new things I could try! :)
Whoever Said Sunshine Brings Happiness Has Never Danced In The Rain

Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Kids and Old Folks = Trouble, Lots of Trouble!!
So I last left off with my ranting about feeling "lost".
Well what's worse, you ask, then already feeling like a crazy women who is getting old and losing herself???
Sitting in a doctors office with about 20something 80 year olds!
And NO I'm not exaggerating! (This time)
I had to take my mother, oh my sweet dear mother, to an eye doctor appointment. Accompanying us were my 15, 8, & 5 yr old children.
So let's recap so far...
An overcrowded Doctors office full of at LEAST 25 80 something yr old people, Me, and my 3 kids.
This made for an interesting 4 hours. Yes, FOUR HOURS!
At one point my 5 yr old son and one of these 80something yr old ladies, who was obviously perturbed that I would even think of bringing my kids, were caught in a stare down.
So between telling my 8 yr old daughter to stop staring at the older ladies wig, that was very obviously on backwards or maybe sideways and that no she couldn't tell the lady or fix it for her, and Yes I promise I will never wear pantyhose with sandals.
And repetitively asking my son to quit making farting noises behind the older man we were sitting behind because I really think the poor man thought it was himself and was getting upset and wondering why my son would hold his nose and giggle at him.
And let's not forget my 15 yr old daughter who's loud sighing and the need to constantly remind me of all the old, grumpy, and sometimes not so pleasantly smelling people we were surrounded by were sorda creepin her out.
We managed to survive!
What did I learn from this experience.....
1.) It definitely confirmed my fears of getting old!!
2.) If I'm ever wearing a crooked wig, smell funny, or am making funny noises, I can always count on my kids to point it out........In Public! :)
P.S. Stay tuned for my "New Things" Posts :)
Well what's worse, you ask, then already feeling like a crazy women who is getting old and losing herself???
Sitting in a doctors office with about 20something 80 year olds!
And NO I'm not exaggerating! (This time)
I had to take my mother, oh my sweet dear mother, to an eye doctor appointment. Accompanying us were my 15, 8, & 5 yr old children.
So let's recap so far...
An overcrowded Doctors office full of at LEAST 25 80 something yr old people, Me, and my 3 kids.
This made for an interesting 4 hours. Yes, FOUR HOURS!
At one point my 5 yr old son and one of these 80something yr old ladies, who was obviously perturbed that I would even think of bringing my kids, were caught in a stare down.
So between telling my 8 yr old daughter to stop staring at the older ladies wig, that was very obviously on backwards or maybe sideways and that no she couldn't tell the lady or fix it for her, and Yes I promise I will never wear pantyhose with sandals.
And repetitively asking my son to quit making farting noises behind the older man we were sitting behind because I really think the poor man thought it was himself and was getting upset and wondering why my son would hold his nose and giggle at him.
And let's not forget my 15 yr old daughter who's loud sighing and the need to constantly remind me of all the old, grumpy, and sometimes not so pleasantly smelling people we were surrounded by were sorda creepin her out.
We managed to survive!
What did I learn from this experience.....
1.) It definitely confirmed my fears of getting old!!
2.) If I'm ever wearing a crooked wig, smell funny, or am making funny noises, I can always count on my kids to point it out........In Public! :)
P.S. Stay tuned for my "New Things" Posts :)
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Went To Look For Myself, Be Back Soon!
Have you ever felt just not "yourself"?
Like somewhere waaay back on life's busy road you forgot about yourself and left "You" somewhere and can't remember exactly where or when that was?
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that this is pretty common for busy women (and I'm sure men as well)
But I don't like it :(
I don't like this feeling of being "Lost".
Did I mention how much I hate this feeling??
I hate not being sure of who I am. That's just not me!
I mean, I'm a mom, I'm a wife, I'm a caretaker, I work, I take care of our home...I'm definitely lots of things. Important things.
But it dawned on me the last couple of days "where am I"???
Not mom, wife, caretaker, worker, home manager, but ME?
And don't get me wrong. I wouldn't trade being a mom, or wife, or any of those jobs for anything in the world!...... But I also don't want to lose "Me".
The fun me, the girl that laughs at the silliest things, the sensitive me who loves even the cheesiest, soppiest, romantic movies and will cry buckets. The carefree me who will dance a silly dance and sing at the top of her lungs no matter who's listening or looking, or take a crazy dare and do something she's never done, and try something new everyday.................
* Sigh * Maybe I'm being silly. Maybe I'm getting old and this is just what happens when you get old. You go through youth withdrawals or something. I have no idea.
I just know that I need to find "Me" again, cause I really miss "Me" and I'm sure wherever "Me" is she is really missing me too. That or my "Me" is just being silly and got bored and decided she needed to be "Me" somewhere else and have fun without me! And if that's the case when I do find my "Me" she's in big trouble! ;)
Sooo these are the rants of an aging crazy lady who is in desperate need to find herself and have a little fun and maybe get into a little something! ;)
I like the idea of trying something new everyday. And I think I just may do that. I think that will be the beginning of my journey on finding "Me" :) There you go! That's exactly what I'll do then :)
Like somewhere waaay back on life's busy road you forgot about yourself and left "You" somewhere and can't remember exactly where or when that was?
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that this is pretty common for busy women (and I'm sure men as well)
But I don't like it :(
I don't like this feeling of being "Lost".
I have racked my brain over and over trying so hard to figure out when it was and where exactly I stepped off the train and left myself! If I could just get past all the clutter that has accumulated in my brain and try not to get crushed by the traffic jam of thoughts buzzing in my head 24/7, then maybe I could figure it out, but just thinking of doing that is taking so much energy out of me! And trust me, right now I'm doing everything I can to conserve what little energy(and patience) I have left!
I hate not being sure of who I am. That's just not me!

But it dawned on me the last couple of days "where am I"???
Not mom, wife, caretaker, worker, home manager, but ME?
And don't get me wrong. I wouldn't trade being a mom, or wife, or any of those jobs for anything in the world!...... But I also don't want to lose "Me".
The fun me, the girl that laughs at the silliest things, the sensitive me who loves even the cheesiest, soppiest, romantic movies and will cry buckets. The carefree me who will dance a silly dance and sing at the top of her lungs no matter who's listening or looking, or take a crazy dare and do something she's never done, and try something new everyday.................
* Sigh * Maybe I'm being silly. Maybe I'm getting old and this is just what happens when you get old. You go through youth withdrawals or something. I have no idea.
I just know that I need to find "Me" again, cause I really miss "Me" and I'm sure wherever "Me" is she is really missing me too. That or my "Me" is just being silly and got bored and decided she needed to be "Me" somewhere else and have fun without me! And if that's the case when I do find my "Me" she's in big trouble! ;)
Sooo these are the rants of an aging crazy lady who is in desperate need to find herself and have a little fun and maybe get into a little something! ;)
I like the idea of trying something new everyday. And I think I just may do that. I think that will be the beginning of my journey on finding "Me" :) There you go! That's exactly what I'll do then :)
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Lazy Hazy Crazy Daze of Summer :)
I just love summer time!
I'm not really quite sure what it is. Maybe it's the sunshine. Or the fact that I have a reason to shave my legs and wear shorts, tank tops and flip flops.
Maybe it's that I can float around in the pool and see how tan I can get by the end of summer ;)
Ok so I know it's been about 120 degrees lately, but it just doesn't bother me. I love summer and everything about it.
So anyway, here are some things I have gotten to do so far already this summer.
I golfed for the first time!
And, let's see, how can I put this..... Girls with big, uhm, large, ... uhhh, ...Girls who are blessed up top! Shouldn't take up golfing!
But despite the fact that I had to work around the "twin towers" to hit the ball, it was fun!
Went To Galveston Beach For FIRST TIME!
Yes, Yes it's sad, but true! I have never been to the beach. This was my first trip to the beach with some girlfriends. And I must admit, it was everything I expected and more. I could live on the beach!
This is me, on the beach. You can't see my face, but trust me, there's a look of pure excitement on it.
And yes, that is my friends behind on the left and her two little feet. I almost cropped it, but then thought...NAH.
I was like a little kid ;)
And over to the left of your screen is what we liked to call our sand turd.
Yes, I know, what a gross name.
I tried to think of a better name but turd just kept coming back up again and again.

I'm not sure who that lady is waving at us. Maybe she thought I was taking her pic?
Dunno. But here you have my FIRST trip to the beach!
Took this pic on Fathers Day.
I know this really doesn't count as something I actually did, but it was a first, and I was a part of it, and it's my blog so I can put it just cause! ;)
This is my handsome hubby and beautiful daughters first Father/Daughter Fathers Day outting.
Here's another first. I've been a bride, but never a bridesmaid!
This is me getting dolled up for my best friends wedding! I was the Matron of Honor, thank you very much ;)
I can't believe that I did this hairdo on my own. And it stayed the WHOLE day! Thanks to an excellent lesson in curls 101 by my girl Kelly and an entire can of Pantene Extra Hold Humidity Control Hair Spray!!
And to the right, my gown :)

Me being me :-p
And Us Being US!

So there you have it. This summer has been great so far.
I wish it were summer all year long :) (I think in about 10 more years it just may!)
Still have about 6 more weeks of summer vacation left.
Let's see what we can get into! ;) Happy Summer Ya'll!
I'm not really quite sure what it is. Maybe it's the sunshine. Or the fact that I have a reason to shave my legs and wear shorts, tank tops and flip flops.
Maybe it's that I can float around in the pool and see how tan I can get by the end of summer ;)
Ok so I know it's been about 120 degrees lately, but it just doesn't bother me. I love summer and everything about it.
So anyway, here are some things I have gotten to do so far already this summer.
I golfed for the first time!
But despite the fact that I had to work around the "twin towers" to hit the ball, it was fun!
Went To Galveston Beach For FIRST TIME!
Yes, Yes it's sad, but true! I have never been to the beach. This was my first trip to the beach with some girlfriends. And I must admit, it was everything I expected and more. I could live on the beach!
This is me, on the beach. You can't see my face, but trust me, there's a look of pure excitement on it.
And yes, that is my friends behind on the left and her two little feet. I almost cropped it, but then thought...NAH.
I was like a little kid ;)
And over to the left of your screen is what we liked to call our sand turd.
Yes, I know, what a gross name.
I tried to think of a better name but turd just kept coming back up again and again.
I'm not sure who that lady is waving at us. Maybe she thought I was taking her pic?
Dunno. But here you have my FIRST trip to the beach!
I know this really doesn't count as something I actually did, but it was a first, and I was a part of it, and it's my blog so I can put it just cause! ;)
This is my handsome hubby and beautiful daughters first Father/Daughter Fathers Day outting.
Here's another first. I've been a bride, but never a bridesmaid!
This is me getting dolled up for my best friends wedding! I was the Matron of Honor, thank you very much ;)
I can't believe that I did this hairdo on my own. And it stayed the WHOLE day! Thanks to an excellent lesson in curls 101 by my girl Kelly and an entire can of Pantene Extra Hold Humidity Control Hair Spray!!
And to the right, my gown :)
Me being me :-p
And Us Being US!
So there you have it. This summer has been great so far.
I wish it were summer all year long :) (I think in about 10 more years it just may!)
Still have about 6 more weeks of summer vacation left.
Let's see what we can get into! ;) Happy Summer Ya'll!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
The Adventure Has Just Begun
About 27 yrs ago... OMG! 27 Yrs! ... whoa! Ok.....
I meet this little brown haired girl in kindergarten, then realize she lives right across the street from me! It was history from there.....
From playing house, a crazy obsession with New Kids On the Block (what girl didn't and girls my age still do!)
Teen magazine (I rocked the Kirk Cameron poster! Whoa baby!)
Staying up all night talking about boys, TO boys, crying over boys and planning what different ways we could pay back the jerks that hurt us, Listening to "Please Don't Cry" & "November Rain" & "Sweet Child O Mine" by G N' R (Oh that Axl Rose!)
Oh and don't forget the hairspray for the big bangs! I bought Aquanet by bulk!.....
Wow okay!
She went from being my good friend, to my best friend, to more of a sister. If there was anyone I could trust, it was her. If there were anyone I knew would understand, it was her.
I will always cherish the memories we made.
From almost having our blood drained by bats (Ok I MIGHT be exaggerating just a little on that) ,
to our short lived attempt at running away and conquering the world,
to our great "Adventures". I won't go into details about those, but boy do we still laugh til our sides hurt about those adventures!! :)
Yesterday my sweet dear friend looked like a princess walking down that aisle as she began the greatest adventure yet.
The adventure of a lifetime with her best friend (No not me!) , and after yesterday, her husband :)
To see her smiling, laughing, so happy, meant so much to me. Because this girl, this sweet lady, she deserves it and more.
So I want to say Congratulations Jason and Veronica on your new journey together. I pray the Lord bless you with lots of love, joy, laughter, hope, peace and blessings!
Hold on tight cause the adventure has just begun!
Oh and Jason, this doesn't mean you get to hog all the adventures Okay??? Save me a few!! ;)
Love you both!
I meet this little brown haired girl in kindergarten, then realize she lives right across the street from me! It was history from there.....
From playing house, a crazy obsession with New Kids On the Block (what girl didn't and girls my age still do!)
Teen magazine (I rocked the Kirk Cameron poster! Whoa baby!)
Staying up all night talking about boys, TO boys, crying over boys and planning what different ways we could pay back the jerks that hurt us, Listening to "Please Don't Cry" & "November Rain" & "Sweet Child O Mine" by G N' R (Oh that Axl Rose!)
Oh and don't forget the hairspray for the big bangs! I bought Aquanet by bulk!.....
Wow okay!
She went from being my good friend, to my best friend, to more of a sister. If there was anyone I could trust, it was her. If there were anyone I knew would understand, it was her.
I will always cherish the memories we made.
From almost having our blood drained by bats (Ok I MIGHT be exaggerating just a little on that) ,
to our short lived attempt at running away and conquering the world,
to our great "Adventures". I won't go into details about those, but boy do we still laugh til our sides hurt about those adventures!! :)
Yesterday my sweet dear friend looked like a princess walking down that aisle as she began the greatest adventure yet.
The adventure of a lifetime with her best friend (No not me!) , and after yesterday, her husband :)
To see her smiling, laughing, so happy, meant so much to me. Because this girl, this sweet lady, she deserves it and more.
So I want to say Congratulations Jason and Veronica on your new journey together. I pray the Lord bless you with lots of love, joy, laughter, hope, peace and blessings!
Hold on tight cause the adventure has just begun!
Oh and Jason, this doesn't mean you get to hog all the adventures Okay??? Save me a few!! ;)
Love you both!
Friday, July 1, 2011
I'm back....By (an) Accident :/
So I know I haven't posted anything on my blog in quite some time! I was about to give up, but I find that there's just something therapeutic about this whole blog stuff, so I'll give another shot.
So what brought me back you ask? ... An accident.
This last Sunday my pastor at my church was preaching about Angels. The existence of Angels. What Angels do and how our Heavenly Father surrounds us with Angels every day.
Well tonight, I believe that more than I think I ever have.
While at a friends house for a birthday party, my 5 yr old son was swimming with his 8 yr old sister and some other kids.
My son doesn't know how to swim. But does okay with a floaty. He had a small ring floaty that he was using to swim around the pool in. (Yes I can already hear the groans) I was sitting nearby with some other friends laughing and talking.
All of a sudden I hear one of the ladies that was there, yell out my name and then my sons name and the next words that came out of her mouth not only made it feel like the blood had drained from my body, but sent me on a roller coaster of emotions within 30 seconds."You're son was drowning"
What had happened was he reached down to try and grab some goggles and he reached down to far and the floaty slipped off over his head and somehow my son let go and pushed it away and he went under. Another child's mom happened to be standing right there next to him and when her child yelled out she was able to act quickly and she pulled him out by his hands where he was flailing around.
.... I ran over to my son, who was catching his breath and the look on his face absolutely broke my heart into a million pieces. He was horrified. I, being me, tried to hold it together. But inside, OMG, I was dying. As I held him in my arms and assured him it was all okay, I was doing everything I could not to leap out of my skin.
Within those, about 5 mins, I felt absolute horror, terrifying fear, heartbreak like I have never felt, guilt, guilt and more guilt. Why? I was supposed to be watching him. I was right nearby for goodness sakes!! What kind of a mother wouldn't think to make sure her child is safe? And then finally...What if it had been worse?? What if no one had been close by to see him? What if no one had heard the other child yell out? After all I never heard it. It was to loud and I was distracted.
What if?? What if??
Tonight I learned MANY lessons. But one them is, God is ALWAYS with me. And YES Melissa, Angels do exist! I found one tonight, she was in the form of a beautiful young lady named Marisol. God put her in just the right place at exactly the right time and she pulled my baby boy out of the pool.
The other Angel - my husband. Because although he could have stopped and questioned me, gave me a lecture about pool and water safety, & make me feel even more guilty and horrible then I already did. He didn't. He kept his cool when he saw that all I wanted to do was lose mine. And even after we left and came home and I lost it. I completely lost it and had an emotional meltdown. He held me and told me "It's not your fault"
He knew he didn't need to tell me all the things I did wrong, because I already knew. He just held me and prayed over me and held me some more.
Tonight before bed, I held my son. I held him tight. And I thanked my Father God for never leaving me. For giving me new insight on life. And for Angels.
So what brought me back you ask? ... An accident.
This last Sunday my pastor at my church was preaching about Angels. The existence of Angels. What Angels do and how our Heavenly Father surrounds us with Angels every day.
Well tonight, I believe that more than I think I ever have.
While at a friends house for a birthday party, my 5 yr old son was swimming with his 8 yr old sister and some other kids.
My son doesn't know how to swim. But does okay with a floaty. He had a small ring floaty that he was using to swim around the pool in. (Yes I can already hear the groans) I was sitting nearby with some other friends laughing and talking.
All of a sudden I hear one of the ladies that was there, yell out my name and then my sons name and the next words that came out of her mouth not only made it feel like the blood had drained from my body, but sent me on a roller coaster of emotions within 30 seconds."You're son was drowning"
What had happened was he reached down to try and grab some goggles and he reached down to far and the floaty slipped off over his head and somehow my son let go and pushed it away and he went under. Another child's mom happened to be standing right there next to him and when her child yelled out she was able to act quickly and she pulled him out by his hands where he was flailing around.
.... I ran over to my son, who was catching his breath and the look on his face absolutely broke my heart into a million pieces. He was horrified. I, being me, tried to hold it together. But inside, OMG, I was dying. As I held him in my arms and assured him it was all okay, I was doing everything I could not to leap out of my skin.
Within those, about 5 mins, I felt absolute horror, terrifying fear, heartbreak like I have never felt, guilt, guilt and more guilt. Why? I was supposed to be watching him. I was right nearby for goodness sakes!! What kind of a mother wouldn't think to make sure her child is safe? And then finally...What if it had been worse?? What if no one had been close by to see him? What if no one had heard the other child yell out? After all I never heard it. It was to loud and I was distracted.
What if?? What if??
Tonight I learned MANY lessons. But one them is, God is ALWAYS with me. And YES Melissa, Angels do exist! I found one tonight, she was in the form of a beautiful young lady named Marisol. God put her in just the right place at exactly the right time and she pulled my baby boy out of the pool.
The other Angel - my husband. Because although he could have stopped and questioned me, gave me a lecture about pool and water safety, & make me feel even more guilty and horrible then I already did. He didn't. He kept his cool when he saw that all I wanted to do was lose mine. And even after we left and came home and I lost it. I completely lost it and had an emotional meltdown. He held me and told me "It's not your fault"
He knew he didn't need to tell me all the things I did wrong, because I already knew. He just held me and prayed over me and held me some more.
Tonight before bed, I held my son. I held him tight. And I thanked my Father God for never leaving me. For giving me new insight on life. And for Angels.
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