Like somewhere waaay back on life's busy road you forgot about yourself and left "You" somewhere and can't remember exactly where or when that was?
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that this is pretty common for busy women (and I'm sure men as well)
But I don't like it :(
I don't like this feeling of being "Lost".
I have racked my brain over and over trying so hard to figure out when it was and where exactly I stepped off the train and left myself! If I could just get past all the clutter that has accumulated in my brain and try not to get crushed by the traffic jam of thoughts buzzing in my head 24/7, then maybe I could figure it out, but just thinking of doing that is taking so much energy out of me! And trust me, right now I'm doing everything I can to conserve what little energy(and patience) I have left!
I hate not being sure of who I am. That's just not me!

But it dawned on me the last couple of days "where am I"???
Not mom, wife, caretaker, worker, home manager, but ME?
And don't get me wrong. I wouldn't trade being a mom, or wife, or any of those jobs for anything in the world!...... But I also don't want to lose "Me".
The fun me, the girl that laughs at the silliest things, the sensitive me who loves even the cheesiest, soppiest, romantic movies and will cry buckets. The carefree me who will dance a silly dance and sing at the top of her lungs no matter who's listening or looking, or take a crazy dare and do something she's never done, and try something new everyday.................
* Sigh * Maybe I'm being silly. Maybe I'm getting old and this is just what happens when you get old. You go through youth withdrawals or something. I have no idea.
I just know that I need to find "Me" again, cause I really miss "Me" and I'm sure wherever "Me" is she is really missing me too. That or my "Me" is just being silly and got bored and decided she needed to be "Me" somewhere else and have fun without me! And if that's the case when I do find my "Me" she's in big trouble! ;)
Sooo these are the rants of an aging crazy lady who is in desperate need to find herself and have a little fun and maybe get into a little something! ;)
I like the idea of trying something new everyday. And I think I just may do that. I think that will be the beginning of my journey on finding "Me" :) There you go! That's exactly what I'll do then :)
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