Whoever Said Sunshine Brings Happiness Has Never Danced In The Rain

Whoever Said Sunshine Brings Happiness Has Never Danced In The Rain

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

"Under my Umbrella, ella, ella"

"In every life a little rain must fall"  
Pshhh! Yea right, try a Tsunami or a hurricane!
Thats what this last week has felt like.
 It's been filled with family drama, personal drama, Church drama, Yo mama drama. You name it, there was drama!
I felt like every time I turned around someone was miserable and was determined to cause misery or was trying to bring me down with their negativity & discouragement.
And I don't know about you, but I can only smile & remind myself of the love Jesus only so long when I begin to wonder if WWJD-(what would Jesus do) is really slap some people down & tell them to stop all that drama long enough to let Him speak into their lives! 
By about yesterday I sware I felt like I was in a scene from one of those freaky movies where I was standing in the center of a tornado and everything(& everyone) was swirling all around me at once and all I wanted to do was disappear! (or make certain people disappear!) 
I know The Shirelles said, "mama said there'd be days like this" but I thought they meant those days would be a little more sporadic! 
I think, right now, I like LL Cool J's sentiments better- "Mama said Knock You Out!" ......

 I sware I'm not losing it. (cause you can't lose something that's already gone! lol J/K!)
Just been "one of those" weeks. 
I KNOW I'm not the only one, so here it is-
 As long as we keep trusting in the Lord and not in ourselves -We can do all things (& make it through all things) through Christ who strengthens us. 
Even in those moments when it's "just to much" we can hide in the shadow of his wings and rest until we find the strength to keep going.
& When all is said and done I'll be a stronger woman, mother, friend, daughter, & leader for not letting go or giving up and for clinging to, listening to & being obedient to Him.

And remember, when life brings the rain, just dance.

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