Whoever Said Sunshine Brings Happiness Has Never Danced In The Rain

Whoever Said Sunshine Brings Happiness Has Never Danced In The Rain

Sunday, April 9, 2017

The Bird House

When we moved here a year ago, my son and I set up a cute little birdhouse we purchased at a local antique shop. I mostly just put it up for decorative purposes, never really imagining any bird would ever make a nest in it. Back in Texas I always tried to have things like birdhouses and feeders and always failed miserably. I actually had two squirrels work as a team once and run away with my plastic bird feeder and I promise you they were laughing at me as they ran away.
But I swear to everyone that not only is the culture different here as far as people go, but as far as nature goes too. Although I really wish I could say the same for the people around here (and NO not EVERYONE, we’ve met some pretty amazing folks, but that’s a different post), nature is beautiful here. Breathtaking in a lot of parts.
It wasn’t until this spring that VOILA! We discovered a bird’s nest in the birdhouse! 5 tiny light blue eggs, which with some research we found we have an Eastern Bluebird Familia living in the birdhouse.
Of course, this little bluebird familia immediately captured my heart and I got emotionally attached/involved. Don’t judge me. I’ve been a bit of an emotional spaz lately.
I always watched from afar, while the eggs were still in the nest, the mama bird gathering materials and maintain her nest almost every day, keeping her eggs warm in the evenings with the warmth of her little body, I also noticed that when she wasn’t in the birdhouse she was never far away. She was always perched in a nearby tree where she could keep watch on her nest and her babies. When the babies finally hatched I watched as mama and papa bird, who was now allowed to be more present and on the scene every day, take turns bringing food to their young ones. Both would maintain the nest making sure it was nice and comfy for their babies, and I once again noticed that when mom and pops weren’t in the birdhouse with their young ones they were always close by. Perched in a tree most times where they were watching from a distance over their nest and babes.
It’s only been a couple of weeks and the nestlings probably have just a few short weeks until they begin to leave the nest. Which I am highly anticipating and I can’t even tell you how anxious I am about it! I want them all to have a successful take off into their new journey!
Over the last few weeks as I’ve watched all this life unfold in my backyard, I couldn’t help but compare to the timing of it all to some events that had been unfolding in my own life and how I’d felt about it all.
I’m not going to over spiritualize this, but having this little bluebird family take up residence in my backyard at this time couldn’t have been any more perfect. Watching the way God created and designed these beautiful little creatures to care for their young the way they do is quite an interesting thing to behold. I understand they’re still wild little things. But they’re just beautiful.
A storm rolled in 4 nights ago. A bad one. I’m already emotionally invested in my new feathered family at this point. The winds were terrible. Did I mention the birdhouse is a hanging birdhouse?
My nerves were on edge to say the least. It’s a sturdy birdhouse for sure. I did everything I could not to run outside and bring them inside. I knew I couldn’t do anything like that. Move the birdhouse or anything. I just had to leave it. I reminded myself that “birds lay their nests in trees all the time” and “there are horrible storms all the time” and “that’s just the way of nature”. I reminded myself that “in nature sometimes birds don’t survive” and that’s also “the way of nature”. And I had to “just leave nature alone”. So I did what I know how to do. I prayed. Yes, I sure did, I prayed for my bluebird family.
I needed them to be ok. “Not just for them Lord,but for me too” I know that’s so selfish, maybe. But I just needed them to be ok.
See, the things that had been unfolding in my life weren’t as pleasant as watching the life that was taking place in the birdhouse outside my bedroom window or taking a peek inside the birdhouse and seeing those tiny little baby birds. And every time I watched them, every time I saw mama bird perched on her tree so close by watching over her nest, or setting new grass and feathers down in the nest or bringing in food for her babies. I was reminded or better yet I felt reassured somehow, once again, that my Father God was near me. That He was never far away. That no matter what was unfolding around me, no matter what I felt like inside myself, no matter the overwhelming emotional spaz case I might feel that I am for the moment, He understood me, He loved me, He was never far away. That He cares for me.
I couldn’t help it and I went out just once, and snuck up and peeked in with my flashlight and there was mama bird covering her littles, head tucked down, protecting her nest.
That night, through the strong winds, the lightning, and the rain, the birdhouse got tossed from side to side so forcefully. Swinging against the pole it was hung on. Not once did she leave them.
Not once, does He ever leave me. Not once, will He ever stop Fathering me or covering me. Not once will He ever stop loving me.
Unfortunately, I believe it’s in our nature to worry. We were created as emotional beings. I don’t believe, however, we should allow worry to be nurtured into something toxic. Things like irrational fears, overwhelming anxieties, unmanageable stress, and sickness. I could go on and on because I’m all too familiar with all the above. It’s toxic city! And I think that’s what God wants us to learn. I believe that’s what He wants me to learn. It’s not easy for sure. But He tells me….
Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?” Matthew 6:26-27(NKJV)
I’ve been watching this and it’s true! I have the proof in my very own backyard!
And I’ve heard Him whisper, in the sunshine and in the storm. Using, of all things, a birdhouse and family of bluebirds, “Melissa, I hold you closer to my heart than you can ever imagine. I’m closer than the air you breathe. I carry you, I hold you. I walk with you, I uplift you. I laugh with you, I strengthen you. I listen to you, I love you. And when you need me to, I’ll reassure you, as many times as you need. I’m here. Always. Closer than you can even understand”

I don’t bother the birdhouse, I give them their space, but every now and then I do wait for my sweet mama to leave the nest and I go and check in on the sweet little babies. I’m happy to report that they are all still growing, and doing well!

And as for me. Well, I thank God that He never stops showing me wonderful new things every day.  

                                                                 The Bird House